
We are 100% volunteer-based and all of our volunteers are experienced pit bull owners. Every penny of every adoption donation, individual donation and fundraiser goes to the rescued dogs in our care. Once a dog is accepted into our rescue, he/she is spayed/neutered, brought up to date on vaccinations, micro-chipped and heartworm tested (as well as given monthly heartworm and flea/tick preventatives). All of our dogs come to us from local shelters and local animal control facilities, many from urgent situations. We are an all foster home-based rescue with no physical facility. Each of our adoptable dogs is placed with a loving foster family until he/she finds an appropriate forever home. When one of our dogs is adopted, we are able to fill that foster home with another urgent shelter dog. Our goal is not only to find the best home for the dogs in our care, but also the best fit for potential adopters.

Due to negative media attention and irresponsible ownership, there are many myths and stereotypes circling Pit Bull type dogs. As much as we are dedicated to the adoption of our wonderful rescued dogs, equally as important to us is education of this misunderstood breed. It is our mission to help change the unfairly tainted image of this misconceived breed by helping people understand them better and providing appropriate and fact-based knowledge to our communities.

Our hope is to create and expand a support system for each other- for our volunteers, fosters, adopters and the rescue community. Pit bulls are feasibly the most negatively criticized breed of our time. Sadly, their image and reputation is a tarnished one. It is extremely important to us that we are adopting dogs who will be ambassadors for the pit bull breed. Each one of our dogs passes a thorough temperament test before being placed in a foster home. Also imperative to changing the reputation of this Pit Bull type dogs is the way we present them. Softening the image of these dogs can be positively influential. Everything we each do with our own dogs, can affect the breed as a whole. This can be anything from what we choose to name them, to which tools we choose to train them with. Making our dogs look approachable helps make them approachable. This then gives us the opportunity to use our own dogs to help educate the public.